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Senior Pastor

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  

Be still, and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. 

The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.  Psalm 46:1,10-11


David Jahnke grew up in Minnesota and was raised in the United Church of Christ.  He attended Gustavus Adolphus College where he majored in Religion.  He is married  and has two sons.


David attended Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and, after graduating, was called as an Associate Pastor by First Presbyterian Church in Corpus Christi, TX.


David has a clear sense of God’s call to Fanwood Presbyterian Church.   He loves praying, preaching, teaching, and getting out of the office to visit with members.   He enjoys golf, tennis, music and movies.


A Statement of Faith


The church is led by its one and only head, Jesus Christ, who has particular plans for every church.  As pastor, I hope to shepherd a community through hard and joyful times, mourning with those who mourn and rejoicing with those who rejoice.  As a model of Christian living and by the grace of God, I strive to exhibit and hope to convey faith, hope and love in all I do and say.


Faith is the dynamic process of receiving God.  We can receive only because God gives and God’s gifts are always gracious.  Beginning with creation, God gave us the good gifts of light, water, and life. God chose to covenant with a particular people, the Israelites, so that all peoples might eventually return to the goodness in which they are made.


God raised from among this people a savior through whom God’s ways and thoughts might be concretely known.  This Son of God, Jesus the Christ, revealed with every word and deed-- most mysteriously and profoundly on the cross-- the wisdom, love and compassion of God in history and he is therefore our firm foundation of faith.  When the good news born by the Son is proclaimed or exhibited and received well, individuals and communities participate in the long process of reconciliation, brought about by the gift of the Spirit, sent by the Father and the Son.


New life in Christ is entered upon through water and Word.  The mystical anointing and embrace of the Spirit are enacted as the community lovingly receives a new covenant member.   When the community of the baptized gathers around the table of our Lord to eat and drink, the dynamics of faith are simplified and the tensions of faith resolved, at least momentarily.  We receive the Spirit of the body and blood of Christ as we thankfully eat and drink, nourishing our souls for our return to the world to again live out the faith that we have just taken in.


David Jahnke: Staff & Leadership

©2018-2024 by Fanwood Presbyterian Church

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