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The mission of the Christian Education Committee is to plant seeds of God's love which we pray will grow into lives of joyful service.

C.E Committee: News


While some teachers plant and others water, we trust God's Spirit nurtures the church community in faith and love from baptism throughout their days. We rejoice in participating in and encouraging continual growth. The same Spirit sends us out into the world so we also provide opportunities for reaching out in local and global missions.


Believing that growing in faith is a life-long journey, a variety of programs are offered to adults including a Lenten Devotion series, Tuesday afternoon Bible studies, and adult forums on a variety of topics held on Tuesday afternoons at 1 p.m. Thursday evenings at 7 p.m.


Are planned during the year and designed to interest and involve all age groups in the congregation. Events are always evovling and have included an Advent Event, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, as well as mission related events.

©2018-2024 by Fanwood Presbyterian Church

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