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But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. 

Acts 1:8


FPC knows its power comes from the Lord.  So we think of ourselves as a sailboat rather than a rowboat church; living not by our own power, but by the power of the Spirit.  We put worship first and there learn to let the Word and Spirit of God fill our days as we dedicate ourselves to prayerful lives of service. 


We discovered a vision for the church through looking at our strengths.  Two clearly emerged: 1) valuing love above all things, and 2) a dedication to service.  


As the early church witnessed in their hometown of Jerusalem, the surrounding countryside and then throughout the Mediterranean, so too do we seek to witness to Christ in Word and deed througout Fanwood and Scotch Plains, the towns surrounding us (with a particular focus on Plainfield and Elizabeth) and extending into Greece where we support a missionary who provides education and shares the gospel with Roma children.

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©2018-2024 by Fanwood Presbyterian Church

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